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Scattering results for Dirac Hartree-type equations with small initial data

This work was partially supported by NRF (NRF-2015R1D1A1A09057795) and by German Science Foundation (IRTG 2235).
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  • We consider the Dirac equations with cubic Hartree-type nonlinearity which are derived by uncoupling the Dirac-Klein-Gordon systems. We prove small data global well-posedness and scattering results in the full scaling subcritical regularity regime. The strategy of the proof relies on the localized Strichartz estimates and bilinear estimates in $ V^2 $ spaces, together with the use of the null structure that the nonlinear term exhibits. This result is shown to be almost optimal in the sense that the iteration method based on Duhamel's formula fails over the supercritical range.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35Q55; Secondary: 35Q40.


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