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On a formula for sets of constant width in 2d

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  • A formula for smooth orbiforms originating from Euler can be adjusted to describe all sets of constant width in 2d. Moreover, the formula allows short proofs of some laborious approximation results for sets of constant width.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 52A10; Secondary: 52A27, 46B28.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Two sets of constant width with a boundary of circular arcs. On the left the Reuleaux triangle. The segments connect boundary points with opposite normal directions for which the constant width is attained. The points denote the centers of rotation

    Figure 2.  The relation between the directional width and the support function

    Figure 3.  Graphs of the functions $ a $ in Recipe 3.1 with the corresponding sets of constant width for $ r = \left\Vert a\right\Vert _{\infty } $

    Figure 4.  $ G $ and $ G_{\varepsilon } $ with the auxiliary circles

    Figure 5.  The dark (red) part contains the values $\int_\alpha ^\beta {\rho \left( s \right)} {e^{is}}ds$ for all allowed $\rho $ . The bounding curves $j_{0}(\cdot )$ , $j_{1}(\cdot )$ correspond to the extreme cases in (33) as function of $ \theta $ : $j_{0}\left( \theta \right) =\int_ \alpha ^{\alpha +\theta \left( \beta - \alpha \right) }e^{is}ds$ and $j_{1}\left( \theta \right) = \int_{\beta -\theta \left( \beta -\alpha \right) }^{\beta }e^{is}ds$ .

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