This paper focuses on almost-periodic time-dependent perturbations of a class of almost-periodically forced systems near non-hyperbolic equilibrium points in two cases: (a) elliptic case, (b) degenerate case (including completely degenerate). In elliptic case, it is shown that, under suitable hypothesis of analyticity, nonresonance and nondegeneracy with respect to perturbation parameter $ \epsilon, $ there exists a Cantor set $ \mathcal{E}\subset (0, \epsilon_0) $ of positive Lebesgue measure with sufficiently small $ \epsilon_0 $ such that for each $ \epsilon\in\mathcal{E} $ the system has an almost-periodic response solution. In degenerate case, we prove that, firstly, the almost-periodically perturbed degenerate system in one-dimensional case admits an almost-periodic response solution under nonzero average condition on perturbation and some weak non-resonant condition; Secondly, imposing further restriction on smallness of the perturbation besides nonzero average, we prove the almost-periodically forced degenerate system in $ n $-dimensional case has an almost-periodic response solution under small perturbation without any non-resonant condition; Finally, almost-periodic response solution can still be obtained with weakened nonzero average condition by used Herman method but non-resonant condition should be strengthened. Some proofs of main results are based on a modified Pöschel-Rüssmann KAM method, our results show that Pöschel-Rüssmann KAM method can be applied to study the existence of almost-periodic solutions for almost-periodically forced non-conservative systems. Our results generalize the works in [
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