In this work, we study the inverse scattering transform of a nonlocal Hirota equation in detail, and obtain the corresponding soliton solutions formula. Starting from the Lax pair of this equation, we obtain the corresponding infinite number of conservation laws and some properties of scattering data. By analyzing the direct scattering problem, we get a critical symmetric relation which is different from the local equations. A novel left-right Riemann-Hilbert problem is proposed to develop the inverse scattering theory. The potentials are recovered and the pure soliton solutions formula is obtained when the reflection coefficients are zero. Based on the zero types of scattering data, nine types of soliton solutions are obtained and three typical types are described in detail. In addition, some dynamic behaviors are given to illustrate the soliton characteristics of the space symmetric nonlocal Hirota equation.
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Figure 2.
The two-soliton solution (7.19) with
Figure 3.
The three-soliton solution (7.24) with
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