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Spectral stability of small-amplitude dispersive shocks in quantum hydrodynamics with viscosity

  • * Corresponding author: Ramón G. Plaza

    * Corresponding author: Ramón G. Plaza 

The work of D. Zhelyazov was supported by a Post-doctoral Fellowship by the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico (DGAPA), UNAM. The work of R. G. Plaza was partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM, program PAPIIT, grant IN-104922

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  • A compressible viscous-dispersive Euler system in one space dimension in the context of quantum hydrodynamics is considered. The dispersive term is due to quantum effects described through the Bohm potential and the viscosity term is of linear type. It is shown that small-amplitude viscous-dispersive shock profiles for the system under consideration are spectrally stable, proving in this fashion a previous numerical observation by Lattanzio et al. [28,29]. The proof is based on spectral energy estimates which profit from the monotonicty of the profiles in the small-amplitude regime.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 76Y05, 35Q35; Secondary: 35B35, 35P15.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Fredholm borders $ \Sigma_\pm $ as the complex roots $ \lambda = \lambda_+(\xi) $ (orange) and $ \lambda = \lambda_-(\xi) $ (blue), with $ \xi \in \mathbb{R} $, of the dispersion relation (3.4). Here $ P^+ = 0.519 $, $ P^- = P^+ + \varepsilon $, $ \varepsilon = 0.2 $, $ J^+ = -0.418 $, $ \gamma = 1.5 $, $ \mu = 0.1 $ and $ k = 0.5 $. The essential spectrum of $ {\mathcal{L}} $ is sharply bounded to the left of these curves in the complex plane (color online)

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