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Exit time problems for nonlinear unbounded control systems

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Given a control system (formulated as a nonconvex and unbounded differential inclusion) we study the problem of reaching a closed target with trajectories of the system. A controllability condition around the target allows us to construct a path that steers each point nearby into it in finite time and using a finite amount of energy. In applications to minimization problems, limits of such trajectories could be discontinuous. We extend the inclusion so that all the trajectories of the extension can be approached by (graphs of) solutions of the original system. In the extended setting the value function of an exit time problem with Lagrangian affine in the unbounded control can be shown to coincide with the value function of the original problem, to be continuous and to be the unique (viscosity) solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with suitable boundary conditions.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 34A60, 34A37, 49K24, 49L20.


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