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Connecting equilibria by blow-up solutions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We study heteroclinic connections in a nonlinear heat equation that involves blow-up. More precisely we discuss the existence of $L^1$ connections among equilibrium solutions. By an $L^1$-connection from an equilibrium $\phi^{-1}$ to an equilibrium $\phi^+$ we mean a function $u$($.,t$) which is a classical solution on the interval $(-\infty,T)$ for some $T\in \mathbb R$ and blows up at $t=T$ but continues to exist in the space $L^1$ in a certain weak sense for $t\in [T,\infty)$ and satisfies $u$($.,t$)$\to \phi^\pm$ as $t\to\pm\infty$ in a suitable sense. The main tool in our analysis is the zero number argument; namely to count the number of intersections between the graph of a given solution and that of various specific solutions.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35K57, 35B40, 58F39.


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