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Blow up of the isosceles 3--body problem with an infinitesimal mass

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider the isosceles $3$--body problem with the third particle having a small mass which eventually tend to zero. Classical McGehee's blow up is not defined because the matrix of masses becomes degenerate. Following Elbialy [3] we perform the blow up using the Euclidean norm in the planar $3$--body problem. We then complete the phase portrait of the flow in the collision manifold giving the behavior of some branches of saddle points missing in [3]. The homothetic orbits within the fixed energy level then provide the necessary recurrence in order to build a symbolic dynamics. This is done following ideas of S. Kaplan [6] for the collinear $3$--body problem. Here the difficulty is the larger number of critical points.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 70F15, 70F16, 70F05, 70F07.


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