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Noncommutative dynamical systems with two generators and their applications in analysis

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, some new dynamical systems which are determined by a semigroup $\Phi$ of maps in a closed interval $I$ are studied.The main peculiarity of these systems is that $\Phi$ is generated by two noncommuting maps. Introducing certain closed subsets $\mathcal T_1$ and $\mathcal T_2$ in $I$ makes it possible to determine some specific orbits corresponding to $\Phi$ and some specific attractors in $I$. These orbits play a crucial role in solving a wide variety problems in such diverse fields of analysis as functional and functional-integral equations, integral geometry, boundary problems for hyperbolic partial differential equations of higher $(>2)$ order. In the first part of this work we describe some conditions which ensure the existence of attractors in question of a special structure. In the second part several new problems in the above-mentioned fields of analysis are formulated, and we trace how the above dynamic approach works in solving this problems.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 37N99, 39B22, 35L35.


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