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Existence and dimension of the attractor for the Bénard problem on channel-like domains

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The Bénard problem, a system with the Navier-Stokes equations for the velocity field coupled with a convection-diffusion equation for the temperature is considered. Non-homogeneous boundary conditions, external force and heat source in dual function spaces, and an arbitrary spatial domain (possibly nonsmooth and unbounded) as long as the Poincaré inequality holds on it (channel-like domain) are allowed. Moreover our approach, unlike in previous works, avoids the use of the maximum principle which would be problematic in this context. The mathematical formulation of the problem, the existence of global solution and the existence and finite dimensionality of the global attractor are proved.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q35, 76D03, 37L30.


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