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Properties of blow-up solutions to a parabolic system with nonlinear localized terms

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper deals with blow-up properties of the solution to a semi-linear parabolic system with nonlinear localized sources involved in a product with local terms, subject to the null Dirichlet boundary condition. We investigate the influence of localized sources and local terms on blow-up properties for this system. It will be proved that: (i) when $m, q\leq 1$ this system possesses uniform blow-up profiles. In other words, the localized terms play a leading role in the blow-up profile for this case. (ii) when $m, q>1$, this system presents single point blow-up patterns, or say that, in this time, local terms dominate localized terms in the blow-up profile. Moreover, the blow-up rate estimates in time and space are obtained, respectively.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K15, 35K65.


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