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Dynamical properties of logical substitutions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Many kinds of algebraic structures have associated dual topological spaces, among others commutative rings with $1$ (this being the paradigmatic example), various kinds of lattices, boolean algebras, C *-algebras, .... These associations are functorial, and hence algebraic endomorphisms of the structures give rise to continuous selfmappings of the dual spaces, which can enjoy various dynamical properties; one then asks about the algebraic counterparts of these properties. We address this question from the point of view of algebraic logic. The datum of a set of truth-values and a "conjunction'' connective on them determines a propositional logic and an equational class of algebras. The algebras in the class have dual spaces, and the duals of endomorphisms of free algebras provide dynamical models for Frege deductions in the corresponding logic.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 03B50; 37A05.


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