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Exponential stability of a state-dependent delay system
In this paper we study exponential stability of the trivial solution
of the state-dependent delay system $\dot x(t)=\sum_{i=1}^m
A_{i}(t)x(t-\tau_{i}(t,x_t))$. We show that under mild assumptions,
the trivial solution of the state-dependent system is exponentially
stable if and only if the trivial solution of the corresponding
linear time-dependent delay system $\dot y(t)=\sum_{i=1}^m
A_{i}(t)y(t-\tau_{i}(t, 0))$ is exponentially stable. We also
compare the order of the exponential stability of the nonlinear
equation to that of its linearized equation. We show that in some
cases, the two orders are equal.
As an application of our main result,
we formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for the exponential stability
of the trivial solution of a threshold-type delay system.