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Weak-convergence methods for Hamiltonian multiscale problems

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider Hamiltonian problems depending on a small parameter like in wave equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients or the embedding of an infinite atomic chain into a continuum by letting the atomic distance tend to $0$. For general semilinear Hamiltonian systems we provide abstract convergence results in terms of the existence of a family of joint recovery operators which guarantee that the effective equation is obtained by taking the $\Gamma$-limit of the Hamiltonian. The convergence is in the weak sense with respect to the energy norm. Exploiting the well-developed theory of $\Gamma$-convergence, we are able to generalize the admissible coefficients for homogenization in the wave equations. Moreover, we treat the passage from a discrete oscillator chain to a wave equation with general $L^\infty$ coefficients.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B27, 37Kxx; Secondary: 70Hxx, 74Q10.


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