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Generic properties of Lagrangians on surfaces: The Kupka-Smale theorem
We consider generic properties of Lagrangians. Our main result is a
Kupka-Smale Theorem for the Lagrangian setting. We show that for
convex and superlinear Lagrangians defined on a compact surface and
$k\in \mathbb{R}$, then generically, in Mañé's sense, the energy
level $k$ is regular and all periodic orbits in this level are
nondegenerate at all orders (the linearized Poincaré map,
restricted to this energy level, does not have roots of unity as
eigenvalues). Moreover, all heteroclinic intersections in this level
are transversal. The results that we present are true in dimension
$n \geq 2$, with the exception of Theorem 4.5, which we are only
able to prove in dimension 2.