$\partial_t u=\Delta u+f(x-cte,u),\qquad t>0,\quad x\in\R^N,$
where $e\in S^{N-1}$ and $c>0$ are given and $f(x,s)$ satisfies
some usual assumptions in population dynamics, together with
$f_s(x,0)<0$ for $|x|$ large. The interest for such equation comes
from an ecological model introduced in [1]
describing the effects of global
warming on biological species. In [6],we proved that
existence and uniqueness of travelling wave solutions of the type
$u(x,t)=U(x-cte)$ and the large time behaviour of solutions with
arbitrary nonnegative bounded initial datum depend on the sign of
the generalized principal in $\R^N$ of an associated linear operator.
Here, we establish analogous results for the Neumann problem in
domains which are asymptotically cylindrical, as well as for the problem in
the whole space with $f$ periodic in some space variables,
orthogonal to the direction of the shift $e$.
The $L^1$ convergence of solution $u(t,x)$ as $t\to\infty$ is established
next. In this paper, we also show
that a bifurcation from the zero solution takes place as the principal crosses $0$. We are
able to describe the shape of solutions close to extinction
thus answering a question raised by M.~Mimura.
These two results are new even in the framework
considered in [6].
Another type of problem is obtained by adding to the previous one a term
$g(x-c'te,u)$ periodic in $x$ in the direction $e$.
Such a model arises when considering
environmental change on two different scales.
Lastly, we also solve the case of an equation
$\partial_t u=\Delta u+f(t,x-cte,u),$
when $f(t,x,s)$ is periodic in $t$. This for instance represents the seasonal dependence of $f$. In both cases, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence, uniqueness and stability of pulsating travelling waves, which are solutions with a profile which is periodic in time.
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