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Second order approximations of quasistatic evolution problems in finite dimension

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the limit, as $\epsilon$ goes to zero, of a particular solution of the equation $\epsilon^2A\ddot u^{\epsilon}(t)+\epsilon B\dot u^{\epsilon}(t)+\nabla_xf(t,u^{\epsilon}(t))=0$, where $f(t,x)$ is a potential satisfying suitable coerciveness conditions. The limit $u(t)$ of $u^{\epsilon}(t)$ is piece-wise continuous and verifies $\nabla_xf(t,u(t))=0$. Moreover, certain jump conditions characterize the behaviour of $u(t)$ at the discontinuity times. The same limit behaviour is obtained by considering a different approximation scheme based on time discretization and on the solutions of suitable autonomous systems.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 74H10, 34K18, 34C37; Secondary: 34K26.


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