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Conservation laws in mathematical biology

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Many mathematical models in biology can be described by conservation laws of the form \begin{equation}\tag{0.1} \frac{\partial{\bf{u}}}{\partial t} + \rm{div}(V{\bf{u}})=F(t,{\bf{x}}, {\bf{u}})\quad ({\bf{x}}=(x_1,\dots, x_n)) \end{equation} where ${\bf{u}}={\bf{u}}(t,{\bf{x}})$ is a vector $(u_1,\dots,u_k)$, ${\bf{F}}$ is a vector $(F_1,\dots,F_k)$, $V$ is a matrix with elements $V_{ij}(t,{\bf{x}},{\bf{u}})$, and $F_i(t,{\bf{x}}, {\bf{u}})$, $V_{ij}(t,{\bf{x}}, {\bf{u}})$ are nonlinear and/or non-local functions of ${\bf{u}}$. From a mathematical point of view one would like to establish, first of all, the existence and uniqueness of solutions under some prescribed initial (and possibly also boundary) conditions. However, the more interesting questions relate to establishing properties of the solutions that are of biological interest.
        In this article we give examples of biological processes whose mathematical models are represented in the form (0.1). We describe results and present open problems.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35K57, 35L60, 35L65, 35R35, 92C17, 92C37, 92C50.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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