Citation: |
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B. V. Bazaliy and A. Friedman, A free boundary problem for an elliptic-parabolic system: Application to a model of tumor growth, Comm. in PDE, 28 (2003), 517-560.doi: 10.1081/PDE-120020486. |
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X. Chen and A. Friedman, A free boundary problem for elliptic-hyperbolic system: An application to tumor growth, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35 (2003), 974-986.doi: 10.1137/S0036141002418388. |
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G. Craciun, A. Brown and A. Friedman, A dynamical system model of neurofilament transport in axon, J. Theor. Biol., 237 (2005), 316-322.doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.04.018. |
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S. Cui and A. Friedman, A free boundary problem for a singular system of differential equations: An application to a model of tumor growth, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355 (2003), 3537-3590.doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-03-03137-4. |
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S. Cui and A. Friedman, A hyperbolic free boundary problem modeling tumor growth, Interfaces & Free Boundaries, 5 (2003), 159-181.doi: 10.4171/IFB/76. |
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E. M. C. D'Agata, M. A. Horn and G. F. Webb, The impact of persistent gastrointestinal colonization on the transmission dynamics of vancomycin-resistant enterococci, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 185 (2002), 766-773.doi: 10.1086/339293. |
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M. Fontelos and A. Friedman, Symmetry-breaking bifurcations of free boundary problems in three dimensions, Asymptotic Anal., 35 (2003), 187-206. |
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A. Friedman, A free boundary problem for a coupled system of elliptic, hyperbolic, and Stokes equations modeling tumor growth, Interfaces & Free Boundaries, 8 (2006), 247-261.doi: 10.4171/IFB/142. |
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A. Friedman and G. Craciun, A model of intracellular transport of particles in an axon, J. Math. Biol., 51 (2005), 217-246.doi: 10.1007/s00285-004-0285-3. |
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A. Friedman and G. Craciun, Approximate traveling waves in linear reaction-hyperbolic equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 38 (2006), 741-758.doi: 10.1137/050637947. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Asymptotic stability for a free boundary problem arising in a tumor model, J. Diff. Eqs., 227 (2006), 598-639.doi: 10.1016/j.jde.2005.09.008. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Bifurcation from stability to instability for a free boundary problem arising in a tumor model, Arch Rat. Mech. Anal., 180 (2006), 293-330.doi: 10.1007/s00205-005-0408-z. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Uniform convergence for approximate traveling waves in linear reaction-hyperbolic systems, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 56 (2007), 2133-2158.doi: 10.1512/iumj.2007.56.3044. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Bifurcation for a free boundary problem modeling tumor growth by Stokes equation, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 39 (2007), 174-194.doi: 10.1137/060656292. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Bifurcation from stability to instability for a free boundary problem modeling tumor growth by Stokes equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 327 (2007), 643-664.doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.04.034. |
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A. Friedman and B. Hu, Stability and instability of Liapounov-Schmidt and Hopf bifurcations for a free boundary problem arising in a tumor model, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 360 (2008), 5291-5342.doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-08-04468-1. |
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A. Friedman, B. Hu and J. P. Keener, The diffusion approximation for linear non-autonomous reaction-hyperbolic equations, submitted. |
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A. Friedman, B. Hu and C. Xue, Analysis of a mathematical model of ischemic cutaneous wounds, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 42 (2010), 2013-2040.doi: 10.1137/090772630. |
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A. Friedman, B. Hu and C. Xue, A three dimensional model of wound healing: Analysis and computation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, to appear. |
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A. Friedman, C.-Y. Kao and C.-W. Shih, Asymptotic phases in a cell differentiation model, J. Diff. Eqs., 247 (2009), 736-769.doi: 10.1016/j.jde.2009.03.033. |
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A. Friedman, C.-Y. Kao and C.-W. Shih, Transcriptional control in cell differentiation: Asymptotic limits, submitted. |
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A. Friedman and F. Reitich, Symmetry-breaking bifurcation of analytic solutions to free boundary problems: An application to a model of tumor growth, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 353 (2001), 1587-1634.doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-00-02715-X. |
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A. Friedman and C. Xue, A mathematical model for chronic wounds, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 8 (2011), 253-261.doi: 10.3934/mbe.2011.8.253. |
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A. Friedman, N. Ziyadi and K. Boushaba, A model of drug resistance with infection by health care workers, Math. Biosciences and Engineering, 7 (2010), 779-792.doi: 10.3934/mbe.2010.7.779. |
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R. C. Schugart, A. Friedman, R. Zhao and C. K. Sen, Wound angiogenesis as a function of tissue oxygen tension: A mathematical model, PNAS, 105 (2008), 2628-2633.doi: 10.1073/pnas.0711642105. |
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G. F. Webb, E. M. C. D'Agata, P. Magal and S. Ruan, A model of antibiotic-resistant bacterial epidemics in hospitals, PNAS, 102 (2005), 13343-13348.doi: 10.1073/pnas.0504053102. |
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J. Wu and S. Cui, Asymptotic stability of stationary solutions of a free boundary problem modeling the growth of tumors with fluid tissues, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 41 (2009), 391-414.doi: 10.1137/080726550. |
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C. Xue, A. Friedman and C. K. Sen, A mathematical model of ischemic cutaneous wounds, PNAS, 106 (2009), 16782-16787.doi: 10.1073/pnas.0909115106. |
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A. Yates, R. Callard and J. Stark, Combining cytokine signaling with T-bet and GATA-3 regulation in Th1 and Th2 differentiation: A model for cellular decision making, J. Theor. Biol., 231 (2004), 181-196.doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.06.013. |