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Dafermos regularization of a diffusive-dispersive equation with cubic flux

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We study existence and spectral stability of stationary solutions of the Dafermos regularization of a much-studied diffusive-dispersive equation with cubic flux. Our study includes stationary solutions that corresponds to Riemann solutions consisting of an undercompressive shock wave followed by a compressive shock wave. We use geometric singular perturbation theory (1) to construct the solutions, and (2) to show that asmptotically, there are no large eigenvalues, and any order-one eigenvalues must be near $-1$ or a certain number $\lambda^*$. We give numerical evidence that $\lambda^*$ is also $-1$. Finally, we use pseudoexponential dichotomies to show that in a space of exponentially decreasing functions, the essential spectrum is contained in Re$ \lambda \le -\delta <0 $.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35Q53; Secondary: 35C06, 35L67, 34E15.


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