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DAD characterization in electromechanical cardiac models

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We investigate the possibility of modeling the delayed afterdepolarization (DAD) occurrence in the framework of the classical FitzHugh-Nagumo (FN) dynamical system, as well as in more recent electromechanically-coupled cardiac models. Within the FN model, we identify the domain in the constitutive parameters' space for which orbits exist which exhibit a sufficiently strong secondary impulse. We then address the question whether a locally-induced secondary pulse succeeds or not in originating a self-propagating traveling impulse. Our results evidence that, in the range where secondary impulses exceed the physiological threshold for DAD onset, a local impulse almost certainly causes a traveling impulse (mechanism known as all-or-none). We then consider a recently proposed electromechanically-coupled generalization of the FN model, and show that the mechanical coupling stabilizes the system, in the sense that the more strong the coupling, the less likely is DAD to occur.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37N25; Secondary: 92C10, 92C20.


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