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On transverse stability of random dynamical system

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the transverse stability of random dynamical systems (RDS). Suppose a RDS on a Riemann manifold possesses a non-random invariant submanifold, what conditions can guarantee that a random attractor of the RDS restrained on the invariant submanifold is a random attractor with respect to the whole manifold? By the linearization technique, we prove that if all the normal Lyapunov exponents with respect to the tangent space of the submanifold are negative, then the attractor on the submanifold is also a random attractor of the whole manifold. This result extends the idea of the transverse stability analysis of deterministic dynamical systems in [1,3]. As an explicit example, we discuss the complete synchronization in network of coupled maps with both stochastic topologies and maps, which extends the well-known master stability function (MSF) approach for deterministic cases to stochastic cases.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37H15, 37D10; Secondary: 60F10.


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  • [1]

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