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Dirichlet $(p,q)$-equations at resonance

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider a parametric nonlinear Dirichlet equation driven by the sum of a $p$-Laplacian and a $q$-Laplacian ($1 < q < p < +\infty$, $p ≥ 2$) and with a Carathéodory reaction which at $\pm\infty$ is resonant with respect to the principal eigenvalue $\widehat{\lambda}_1(p) > 0$ of $(-\Delta_p, W^{1,p}_0(\Omega))$. Using critical point theory, truncation and comparison techniques and critical groups (Morse theory), we show that for all small values of the parameter $\lambda>0$, the problem has at least five nontrivial solutions, four of constant sign (two positive and two negative) and the fifth nodal (sign-changing).
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J20, 35J60, 35J92, 58E05.


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