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Bifurcation diagrams and multiplicity for nonlocal elliptic equations modeling gravitating systems based on Fermi--Dirac statistics

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper is devoted to multiplicity results of solutions to nonlocal elliptic equations modeling gravitating systems. By considering the case of Fermi--Dirac statistics as a singular perturbation of Maxwell--Boltzmann statistics, we are able to produce multiplicity results. Our method is based on cumulated mass densities and a logarithmic change of coordinates that allow us to describe the set of all solutions by a non-autonomous perturbation of an autonomous dynamical system. This has interesting consequences in terms of bifurcation diagrams, which are illustrated by some numerical computations. More specifically, we study a model based on the Fermi function as well as a simplified one for which estimates are easier to establish. The main difficulty comes from the fact that the mass enters in the equation as a parameter which makes the whole problem non-local.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35Q85, 70K05, 85A05; Secondary: 34E15, 37N05.


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