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Transonic flows with shocks past curved wedges for the full Euler equations

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We establish the existence, stability, and asymptotic behavior of transonic flows with a transonic shock past a curved wedge for the steady full Euler equations in an important physical regime, which form a nonlinear system of mixed-composite hyperbolic-elliptic type. To achieve this, we first employ the transformation from Eulerian to Lagrangian coordinates and then exploit one of the new equations to identify a potential function in Lagrangian coordinates. By capturing the conservation properties of the system, we derive a single second-order nonlinear elliptic equation for the potential function in the subsonic region so that the transonic shock problem is reformulated as a one-phase free boundary problem for the nonlinear equation with the shock-front as a free boundary. One of the advantages of this approach is that, given the shock location or equivalently the entropy function along the shock-front downstream, all the physical variables can be expressed as functions of the gradient of the potential function, and the downstream asymptotic behavior of the potential function at infinity can be uniquely determined with a uniform decay rate. To solve the free boundary problem, we employ the hodograph transformation to transfer the free boundary to a fixed boundary, while keeping the ellipticity of the nonlinear equation, and then update the entropy function to prove that the updating map has a fixed point. Another advantage in our analysis is in the context of the full Euler equations so that the Bernoulli constant is allowed to change for different fluid trajectories.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35M12, 35R35, 76H05, 76L05, 35L67, 35L65, 35B35, 35Q31, 76N10, 76N15, 35B30, 35B40, 35Q35.


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