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On parameter dependence of exponential stability of equilibrium solutions in differential equations with a single constant delay

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • A transcendental equation $\lambda + \alpha - \beta\mathrm{e}^{-\lambda\tau} = 0$ with complex coefficients is investigated. This equation can be obtained from the characteristic equation of a linear differential equation with a single constant delay. It is known that the set of roots of this equation can be expressed by the Lambert W function. We analyze the condition on parameters for which all the roots have negative real parts by using the ``graph-like'' expression of the W function. We apply the obtained results to the stabilization of an unstable equilibrium solution by the delayed feedback control and the stability condition of the synchronous state in oscillator networks.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34K20, 34K25; Secondary: 93C23.


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