A fully discrete Lagrangian scheme for solving a family of fourth order equations numerically is presented. The discretization is based on the equations' underlying gradient flow structure with respect to the Wasserstein metric, and preserves numerous of their most important structural properties by construction, like conservation of mass and entropy-dissipation.
In this paper, the long-time behavior of our discretization is analysed: We show that discrete solutions decay exponentially to equilibrium at the same rate as smooth solutions of the original problem. Moreover, we give a proof of convergence of discrete entropy minimizers towards Barenblatt-profiles or Gaussians, respectively, using $Γ$-convergence.
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Figure 1. Left: Numerically observed decay of $H_{\alpha,\lambda}(t)-{\mathbf{H}_{\alpha ,\lambda }^{\min }}$ and $F_{\alpha,\lambda}(t)-{\mathbf{F}_{\alpha ,\lambda }^{\min }}$ along a time period of $t\in[0,0.8]$, using $K=25,50,100,200$, in comparison to the upper bounds $({\mathcal{H}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}(u^0)-{\mathcal{H}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}({{\text{b}}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}))\exp(-2\lambda t)$ and $({\mathcal{F}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}(u^0)-{\mathcal{F}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}({{\text{b}}_{\alpha ,\lambda }}))\exp(-2\lambda t)$, respectively. Right: Convergence of discrete minimizers $u_{\delta }^{\min }$ with a rate of $K^{-1.5}$.
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Evolution of a discrete solution
Left: Numerically observed decay of
Snapshots of the densities