We study the escaping set of functions in the class $\mathcal{B}^*$, that is, transcendental self-maps of $\mathbb{C}^*$ for which the set of singular values is contained in a compact annulus of $\mathbb{C}^*$ that separates zero from infinity. For functions in the class $\mathcal{B}^*$, escaping points lie in their Julia set. If $f$ is a composition of finite order transcendental self-maps of $\mathbb{C}^*$ (and hence, in the class $\mathcal{B}^*$), then we show that every escaping point of $f$ can be connected to one of the essential singularities by a curve of points that escape uniformly. Moreover, for every sequence $e∈\{0,∞\}^{\mathbb{N}_0}$, we show that the escaping set of $f$ contains a Cantor bouquet of curves that accumulate to the set $\{0,∞\}$ according to $e$ under iteration by $f$.
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Figure 1. Period 8 cycle of rays landing on a repelling period 4 orbit in the unit circle for the function $f_{\alpha\beta}(z)=ze^{i\alpha}e^{\beta(z-1/z)/2}$ from the Arnol'd standard family, with $\alpha=0.19725$ and $\beta=0.48348$. Such points lie in the set $I_e(f_{\alpha\beta})$ with $e=\overline{\infty 0 \infty\infty 0 \infty 0 0}$ (see (2)).
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Period 8 cycle of rays landing on a repelling period 4 orbit in the unit circle for the function
Logarithmic coordinates for a function
Phase space of the function
Logarithmic tracts of functions of finite order with
Fundamental domains of a function
In the left, we have the phase space of the function