In this paper, we consider the following coupled Schrödinger system with doubly critical exponents:
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{ - \Delta u + {\lambda _1}u = {\mu _1}{u^3} + \beta u{v^2},}&{x \in \Omega ,}\\{ - \Delta v + {\lambda _2}v = {\mu _2}{v^3} + \beta v{u^2},}&{x \in \Omega ,}\\{u,v \ge 0,}&{x \in \Omega ,}\\{u = v = 0,}&{x \in \partial \Omega ,}\end{array}} \right.$
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} - \Delta u + u = {\mu _1}{u^3} + \beta u{v^2} + f(u),\;\;\;\;x \in {\mathbb R^4},\\ - \Delta v + v = {\mu _2}{v^3} + \beta v{u^2} + g(v),\;\;\;\;\;x \in {\mathbb R^4}.\end{array} \right.$
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