We consider a $ \mathcal{C}^3 $ family $ t\mapsto f_t $ of $ \mathcal{C}^4 $ Anosov diffeomorphisms on a compact Riemannian manifold $ M $. Denoting by $ \rho_t $ the SRB measure of $ f_t $, we prove that the map $ t\mapsto\int \theta d\rho_t $ is differentiable if $ \theta $ is of the form $ \theta(x) = h(x)\delta(g(x)-a) $, with $ \delta $ the Dirac distribution, $ g:M\rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ a $ \mathcal{C}^4 $ function, $ h:M\rightarrow\mathbb{C} $ a $ \mathcal{C}^3 $ function and $ a $ a regular value of $ g $. We also require a transversality condition, namely that the intersection of the support of $ h $ with the level set $ \{g(x) = a\} $ is foliated by 'admissible stable leaves'.
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Figure 1. Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable on the stable manifold under the reverse dynamics. The two axes through the origin are the unstable and stable directions. The parallel lines are level sets for the function g(u, s) = u with the line passing through the origin being the level set {g = 0}. In the left side picture, the shaded area is the support of h. The right side picture is the image of the left side picture by f−1. Both pictures are in $\mathbb{R}^2$, each of the grid squares corresponds to a fundamental domain of the torus.
Figure 2. Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable with g(x, y) = y − 0.4x under the reverse dynamics. The stable and unstable directions are the same as befor. Parallel lines are level sets for g. The line through the origin is the level set {g = 0}. The shaded area is the support of h. The right side picture is the image of the left side one by f−1.
Figure 3. Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable with g(x, y) = x2 + y2 under the reverse dynamics. In the left side picture, circles are level sets of g and the middle circle is the level set {g = 0.42}. The shaded area is the support of h. Note that it excludes the region where the middle circle is tangent to the unstable direction. The right side picture is the image of the left side one by f−1.
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Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable on the stable manifold under the reverse dynamics. The two axes through the origin are the unstable and stable directions. The parallel lines are level sets for the function g(u, s) = u with the line passing through the origin being the level set {g = 0}. In the left side picture, the shaded area is the support of h. The right side picture is the image of the left side picture by f−1. Both pictures are in
Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable with g(x, y) = y − 0.4x under the reverse dynamics. The stable and unstable directions are the same as befor. Parallel lines are level sets for g. The line through the origin is the level set {g = 0}. The shaded area is the support of h. The right side picture is the image of the left side one by f−1.
Behavior of the support of a Dirac observable with g(x, y) = x2 + y2 under the reverse dynamics. In the left side picture, circles are level sets of g and the middle circle is the level set {g = 0.42}. The shaded area is the support of h. Note that it excludes the region where the middle circle is tangent to the unstable direction. The right side picture is the image of the left side one by f−1.