This paper is devoted to the study of the modified quasi-geostrophic equation
$ \partial_t\theta+u\cdot\nabla\theta+\nu\Lambda^\alpha\theta = 0 \ \ \mbox{ with } \ \ u = \Lambda^\beta\mathcal{R}^\perp\theta $
in $ \mathbb{R}^2 $. By the Littlewood-Paley theory, we obtain the local well-posedness and the smoothing effect of the equation in critical Besov spaces. These results are applied to show the global existence of regular solutions for the critical case $ \beta = \alpha-1 $ and the existence of regular solutions for large time $ t>T $ with respect to the supercritical case $ \beta >\alpha -1 $ in Besov spaces. Earlier results for the equation in Hilbert spaces $ H^s $ spaces are improved.
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