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Global well-posedness and existence of the global attractor for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Ⅱ equation in the anisotropic Sobolev space

The first author N.K is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Researchers (B) (16K17626). The second author M.S is supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation grant 2019M650872. The third author Y.T is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (17H02853) and Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research (16K13770)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • The global well-posedness for the KP-Ⅱ equation is established in the anisotropic Sobolev space $ H^{s, 0} $ for $ s>-\frac{3}{8} $. Even though conservation laws are invalid in the Sobolev space with negative index, we explore the asymptotic behavior of the solution by the aid of the $ I $-method in which Colliander, Keel, Staffilani, Takaoka, and Tao introduced a series of modified energy terms. Moreover, a-priori estimate of the solution leads to the existence of global attractor for the weakly damped, forced KP-Ⅱ equation in the weak topology of the Sobolev space when $ s>-\frac{1}{8} $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35Q55, 35A01, 35B41; Secondary: 35B45.


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