This paper studies the existence of subharmonics of arbitrary order in a generalized class of non-autonomous predator-prey systems of Volterra type with periodic coefficients. When the model is non-degenerate it is shown that the Poincaré–Birkhoff twist theorem can be applied to get the existence of subharmonics of arbitrary order. However, in the degenerate models, whether or not the twist theorem can be applied to get subharmonics of a given order might depend on the particular nodal behavior of the several weight function-coefficients involved in the setting of the model. Finally, in order to analyze how the subharmonics might be lost as the model degenerates, the exact point-wise behavior of the $ T $-periodic solutions of a non-degenerate model is ascertained as a perturbation parameter makes it degenerate.
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Figure 4. Subharmonics of (17) under condition (21). The figure represents an ideal global bifurcation diagram for subharmonics with the parameter $ A = B $ (in the abscissa) versus the value of the initial point $ x = u_0 = v_0 $ of the periodic solution (in the ordinate). Each bifurcation curve is labelled with the period of the corresponding subharmonic solution. For a detailed analysis of the real bifurcation diagrams, we refer to [20]
Figure 7. Admissible $ u(t, \varepsilon_n) $ and $ v(t, \varepsilon_n) $ in Subcase 1.B for large $ n $. As in Figure 6, $ v $ is constant on $ [0,T/2] $ while, on the same interval, $ u $ is near to a constant for large $ n $
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A genuine case when
Two weights such that
The weight functions
Subharmonics of (17) under condition (21). The figure represents an ideal global bifurcation diagram for subharmonics with the parameter
Behavior of
Behavior of
Admissible components with
Admissible components in the Subcase 4.B for sufficiently large