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Axisymmetric traveling fronts in balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equations

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  • For a balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equation, the existence of axisymmetric traveling fronts has been studied by Chen, Guo, Ninomiya, Hamel and Roquejoffre [4]. This paper gives another proof of the existence of axisymmetric traveling fronts. Our method is as follows. We use pyramidal traveling fronts for unbalanced reaction-diffusion equations, and take the balanced limit. Then we obtain axisymmetric traveling fronts in a balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equation. Since pyramidal traveling fronts have been studied in many equations or systems, our method might be applicable to study axisymmetric traveling fronts in these equations or systems.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35C07, 35B20; Secondary: 35K57.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  A level set $ \left\{ {U(\mathit{\boldsymbol{x'}}, {x_n}) = {\theta _0}} \right\}$ of $ U $

    Figure 2.  A level set $ \{V_{k}(\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}', x_{n}) = \theta_{0}\} $ of a square pyramidal traveling front $ V_{k} $

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