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Measure theoretic pressure and dimension formula for non-ergodic measures

  • * Corresponding author: Yun Zhao

    * Corresponding author: Yun Zhao

The first and third author are partially supported by NSFC (11871361, 11790274). The second author is partially supported by NSFC (11790274, 11771317) and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 18dz2271000)

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  • This paper studies the measure theoretic pressure of measures that are not necessarily ergodic. We define the measure theoretic pressure of an invariant measure (not necessarily ergodic) via the Carathéodory-Pesin structure described in [13], and show that this quantity is equal to the essential supremum of the absolute value of free energy of the measures in an ergodic decomposition. Meanwhile, we define the measure theoretic pressure in another way by using separated sets, it is showed that this quantity is exactly the absolute value of free energy if the measure is ergodic. Particularly, if the dynamical system satisfies the uniform separation condition and the ergodic measures are entropy dense, this quantity is still equal to the the absolute value of free energy even if the measure is non-ergodic. As an application of the main results, we find that the Hausdorff dimension of an invariant measure supported on an average conformal repeller is given by the zero of the measure theoretic pressure of this measure. Furthermore, if a hyperbolic diffeomorphism is average conformal and volume-preserving, the Hausdorff dimension of any invariant measure on the hyperbolic set is equal to the sum of the zeros of measure theoretic pressure restricted to stable and unstable directions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37D35, 37C45; Secondary: 37A30.


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