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Representation formula for symmetrical symplectic capacity and applications

  • * Corresponding author: Guangcun Lu

    * Corresponding author: Guangcun Lu

The second author is partially supported by the NNSF 11271044 of China

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • This is the second installment in a series of papers aimed at generalizing symplectic capacities and homologies. We study symmetric versions of symplectic capacities for real symplectic manifolds, and obtain corresponding results for them to those of the first [19] of this series (such as representation formula, a theorem by Evgeni Neduv, Brunn-Minkowski type inequality and Minkowski billiard trajectories proposed by Artstein-Avidan-Ostrover).

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 53D35, 53C23; Secondary: 70H05, 37J05, 57R17.


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