A recent refinement of Kerékjártó's Theorem has shown that in $ \mathbb R $ and $ \mathbb R^2 $ all $ \mathcal C^l $–solutions of the functional equation $ f^n = \text{Id} $ are $ \mathcal C^l $–linearizable, where $ l\in \{0,1,\dots \infty\} $. When $ l\geq 1 $, in the real line we prove that the same result holds for solutions of $ f^n = f $, while we can only get a local version of it in the plane. Through examples, we show that these results are no longer true when $ l = 0 $ or when considering the functional equation $ f^n = f^k $ with $ n>k\geq 2 $.
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Graph of a generic idempotent continuous function in
Graph of the function
Graph of the function
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