In this paper we consider the Degasperis-Procesi equation, which is an approximation to the incompressible Euler equation in shallow water regime. First we provide the existence of solitary wave solutions for the original DP equation and the general theory of geometric singular perturbation. Then we prove the existence of solitary wave solutions for the equation with a special local delay convolution kernel and a special nonlocal delay convolution kernel by using the geometric singular perturbation theory and invariant manifold theory. According to the relationship between solitary wave and homoclinic orbit, the Degasperis-Procesi equation is transformed into the slow-fast system by using the traveling wave transformation. It is proved that the perturbed equation also has a homoclinic orbit, which corresponds to a solitary wave solution of the delayed Degasperis-Procesi equation.
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The homoclinic orbit within
local delay, k = 1
noncocal delay, k = 1