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Turing instability and dynamic phase transition for the Brusselator model with multiple critical eigenvalues

  • * Corresponding author: Jongmin Han

    * Corresponding author: Jongmin Han 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(8) / Table(4) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the dynamic phase transition for one dimensional Brusselator model. By the linear stability analysis, we define two critical numbers $ {\lambda}_0 $ and $ {\lambda}_1 $ for the control parameter $ {\lambda} $ in the equation. Motivated by [9], we assume that $ {\lambda}_0< {\lambda}_1 $ and the linearized operator at the trivial solution has multiple critical eigenvalues $ \beta_N^+ $ and $ \beta_{N+1}^+ $. Then, we show that as $ {\lambda} $ passes through $ {\lambda}_0 $, the trivial solution bifurcates to an $ S^1 $-attractor $ {\mathcal A}_N $. We verify that $ {\mathcal A}_N $ consists of eight steady state solutions and orbits connecting them. We compute the leading coefficients of each steady state solution via the center manifold analysis. We also give numerical results to explain the main theorem.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B32, 35B41; Secondary: 35K40.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Examples of Structure of $ {\mathcal A}_N $ in Table 1, 2 and 3

    Figure 2.  Examples of Structure of $ {\mathcal A}_N $ in Table 4

    Figure 3.  Case (ⅰ) of (4.3) and $ N = 4 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_1(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $

    Figure 4.  Case (ⅱ) of (4.3) and $ N = 4 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_2^+(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_2^+(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_1(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $

    Figure 5.  Case (ⅲ) of (4.3) and $ N = 4 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_1(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $

    Figure 6.  Case (ⅰ) of (4.3) and $ N = 8 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^-(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^-(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_1(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^+(x) $

    Figure 7.  Case (ⅱ) of (4.3) and $ N = 8 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^+(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_2^+(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_2(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^-(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^-(x) $

    Figure 8.  Case (ⅲ) of (4.3) and $ N = 8 $. With $ w (x,0) = w_0(x) $, (a) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_2^+(x) $ and (b) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_2^+(x) $. With $ w (x,0) = w_1(x) $, (c) $ u_h(x,t) \to u_1^-(x) $ and (d) $ v_h(x,t) \to v_1^-(x) $

    Table 1.  Stability for $ k = 2 $

    subcases $ w_1^+ $ $ w_1^- $ $ w_2^+ $ $ w_2^- $
    (ⅰ-1) stable saddle $ \times $ $ \times $
    (ⅰ-2) saddle stable $ \times $ $ \times $
    (ⅰ-3) $ \times $ $ \times $ stable saddle
    (ⅰ-4) $ \times $ $ \times $ saddle stable
     | Show Table
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    Table 2.  Stability for $ k = 4 $

    subcases $ w_1^\pm $ $ w_2^\pm $ $ w_3^\pm $ $ w_4^\pm $
    (ⅱ-1) stable saddle $ \times $ $ \times $
    (ⅱ-2) saddle stable $ \times $ $ \times $
    (ⅱ-3) $ \times $ $ \times $ stable saddle
    (ⅱ-4) $ \times $ $ \times $ saddle stable
     | Show Table
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    Table 3.  Stability for $ k = 6 $

    subcases $ w_1^+ $ $ w_1^- $ $ w_2^+ $ $ w_2^- $ $ w_3^\pm $ $ w_4^\pm $
    (ⅲ-1) stable saddle $ \times $ $ \times $ saddle stable
    (ⅲ-2) saddle stable $ \times $ $ \times $ stable saddle
    (ⅲ-3) $ \times $ $ \times $ stable saddle saddle stable
    (ⅲ-4) $ \times $ $ \times $ saddle stable stable saddle
     | Show Table
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    Table 4.  Stability for $ k = 8 $

    subcases $ w_1^\pm $ $ w_2^\pm $ $ w_3^\pm $ $ w_4^\pm $
    (ⅳ-1) stable stable saddle saddle
    (ⅳ-2) saddle saddle stable stable
     | Show Table
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