We study bifurcations in finite-parameter families of vector fields on $S^2$. Recently, Yu. Ilyashenko, Yu. Kudryashov, and I. Schurov provided examples of (locally generic) structurally unstable $3$-parameter families of vector fields: topological classification of these families admits at least one numerical invariant. They also provided examples of $(2D+1)$-parameter families such that the topological classification of these families has at least $D$ numerical invariants and used those examples to construct families with functional invariants of topological classification.
In this paper, we construct locally generic $4$-parameter families with any prescribed number of numerical invariants and use them to construct $5$-parameter families with functional invariants. We also describe a locally generic class of $3$-parameter families with a tail of an infinite number sequence as an invariant of topological classification.
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