We study the asymptotic stability of periodic solutions for sweeping processes defined by a polyhedron with translationally moving faces. Previous results are improved by obtaining a stronger $ W^{1,2} $ convergence. Then we present an application to a model of crawling locomotion. Our stronger convergence allows us to prove the stabilization of the system to a running-periodic (or derivo-periodic, or relative-periodic) solution and the well-posedness of an average asymptotic velocity depending only on the gait adopted by the crawler. Finally, we discuss some examples of finite-time versus asymptotic-only convergence.
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Figure 2. The orbit (red) of a solution $ z(t) $ of counterexample 5.2, converging only asymptotically to a constant solution $ \bar z $. The set $ C(t) $ is periodically sliding vertically. Notice that the solution will stop for progressively longer intervals at the edges of the orbit. The set $ \mathcal{Z} $ of periodic solutions is the set of constant functions with value in the light-gray triangle
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The model of soft crawler
The orbit (red) of a solution
The orbit (red) of a solution