We obtain new equitightness and $ C([0, T];L^p( {\mathbb{R}}^N)) $-convergence results for finite-difference approximations of generalized porous medium equations of the form
$ \partial_tu-\mathfrak{L}[\varphi(u)] = g\qquad\text{in }~~ {\mathbb{R}}^N\times(0, T) , $
where $ \varphi: {\mathbb{R}}\to {\mathbb{R}} $ is continuous and nondecreasing, and $ \mathfrak{L} $ is a local or nonlocal diffusion operator. Our results include slow diffusions, strongly degenerate Stefan problems, and fast diffusions above a critical exponent. These results improve the previous $ C([0, T];L_ \text{loc}^p( {\mathbb{R}}^N)) $-convergence obtained in a series of papers on the topic by the authors. To have equitightness and global $ L^p( {\mathbb{R}}^N) $-convergence, some additional restrictions on $ \mathfrak{L} $ and $ \varphi $ are needed. Most commonly used symmetric operators $ \mathfrak{L} $ are still included: the Laplacian, fractional Laplacians, and other generators of symmetric Lévy processes with some fractional moment. We also discuss extensions to nonlinear possibly strongly degenerate convection-diffusion equations.
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