This article introduces the notion of good labellings for asymptotic lattices in order to study joint spectra of quantum integrable systems from the point of view of inverse spectral theory. As an application, we consider a new spectral quantity for a quantum integrable system, the quantum rotation number. In the case of two degrees of freedom, we obtain a constructive algorithm for the detection of appropriate labellings for joint eigenvalues, which we use to prove that, in the semiclassical limit, the quantum rotation number can be calculated on a joint spectrum in a robust way, and converges to the well-known classical rotation number. The general results are applied to the semitoric case where formulas become particularly natural.
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The semitoric rotation number
Joint spectrum of the Spherical Pendulum. Joint eigenvalues are organized along vertical lines indexed by
Classical (left) and quantum (right) rotation numbers for an axisymmetric Schrödinger operator on the sphere
The labelling algorithm
The point