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Non-autonomous stochastic lattice systems with Markovian switching

  • *Corresponding author: Yusen Lin

    *Corresponding author: Yusen Lin 

This work was supported by NSFC (11971394), Central Government Funds for Guiding Local Scientific and Technological Development (2021ZYD0010) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2682021ZTPY057)

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  • The aim of this paper is to study the dynamical behavior of non-autonomous stochastic lattice systems with Markovian switching. We first show existence of an evolution system of measures of the stochastic system. We then study the pullback (or forward) asymptotic stability in distribution of the evolution system of measures. We finally prove that any limit point of a tight sequence of an evolution system of measures of the stochastic lattice systems must be an evolution system of measures of the corresponding limiting system as the intensity of noise converges zero. In particular, when the coefficients are periodic with respect to time, we show every limit point of a sequence of periodic measures of the stochastic system must be a periodic measure of the limiting system as the noise intensity goes to zero.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37L55; Secondary: 34F05, 37L30, 60H10.


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