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A parameterization method for the computation of invariant tori and their whiskers in quasi-periodic maps: Numerical algorithms

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we develop several numerical algorithms for the computation of invariant manifolds in quasi-periodically forced systems. The invariant manifolds we consider are invariant tori and the asymptotic invariant manifolds (whiskers) to these tori.
        The algorithms are based on the parameterization method described in [36], where some rigorous results are proved. In this paper, we concentrate on numerical issues of algorithms. Examples of implementations appear in the companion paper [34].
        The algorithms for invariant tori are based essentially on Newton method, but taking advantage of dynamical properties of the torus, such as hyperbolicity or reducibility as well as geometric properties.
        The algorithms for whiskers are based on power-matching expansions of the parameterizations. Whiskers include as particular cases the usual (strong) stable and (strong) unstable manifolds, and also, in some cases, the slow manifolds which dominate the asymptotic behavior of solutions converging to the torus.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 70K43, 37M99; Secondary: 65T40.


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