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Nonparallel solutions of extended nematic polymers under an external field

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We continue the study on equilibria of the Smoluchowski equation for dilute solutions of rigid extended (dipolar) nematics and dispersions under an imposed electric or magnetic field [25]. We first provide an alternative proof for the theorem that all equilibria are dipolar with the polarity vector parallel to the external field direction if the strength of the permanent dipole ($\mu$) is larger than or equal to the product of the external field ($E$) and the anisotropy parameter ($\alpha_0$) (i.e. $\mu \ge |\alpha_0| E$). Then, we show that when $\mu < |\alpha_0| E$, there is a critical value $\alpha^$*$\geq 1$ for the intermolecular dipole-dipole interaction strength ($\alpha$) such that all equilibria are either isotropic or parallel to the external field if $\alpha \le \alpha^$*; but nonparallel dipolar equilibria emerge when $\alpha > \alpha^$*. The nonparallel equilibria are analyzed and the asymptotic behavior of $\alpha^$* is studied. Finally, the asymptotic results are validated by direct numerical simulations.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35A99, 35C15; Secondary: 76W05, 82D60.


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