We continue the analysis started in [3] and announced in
[2], studying the behavior of solutions of nonlinear
elliptic equations $\Delta u+f(x,u)=0 $ in $\Omega$ ε
with nonlinear boundary conditions of type $\frac{\partial
u}{\partial n}+g(x,u)=0$, when the boundary of the domain varies
very rapidly. We show that if the oscillations are very rapid, in
the sense that, roughly speaking, its period is much smaller than
its amplitude and the function $g$ is of a dissipative type, that
is, it satisfies $g(x,u)u\geq b|u|^{d+1}$, then the boundary
condition in the limit problem is $u=0$, that is, we obtain a
homogeneus Dirichlet boundary condition. We show the convergence
of solutions in $H^1$ and $C^0$ norms and the convergence of the
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the linearizations around the
solutions. Moreover, if a solution of the limit problem is
hyperbolic (non degenerate) and some extra conditions in $g$ are
satisfied, then we show that there exists one and only one
solution of the perturbed problem nearby.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35J65, 35B20, 35B27.
\begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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