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Two-species particle aggregation and stability of co-dimension one solutions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Systems of pairwise-interacting particles model a cornucopia of physical systems, from insect swarms and bacterial colonies to nanoparticle self-assembly. We study a continuum model with densities supported on co-dimension one curves for two-species particle interaction in $\mathbb{R}^2$, and apply linear stability analysis of concentric ring steady states to characterize the steady state patterns and instabilities which form. Conditions for linear well-posedness are determined and these results are compared to simulations of the discrete particle dynamics, showing predictive power of the linear theory. Some intriguing steady state patterns are shown through numerical examples.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B35, 25B20, 35B36; Secondary: 35D30, 41A60.


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