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M. R. D'Orsogna, Y. L. Chuang, A. L. Bertozzi and L. Chayes, Self-propelled particles with soft-core interactions: patterns, stability and collapse, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (2006), 104302.doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.104302. |
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A. Mackey, T. Kolokolnikov and A. L. Bertozzi, Two-species particle aggregation and stability of co-dimension one solutions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 34 (2014), 1411-1436. |
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S. G. McCalla, Paladins as predators: Invasive waves in a spatial evolutionary adversarial game, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 34 (2014), 1437-1457. |
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M. B. Short, M. R. D'Orsogna, V. B. Pasour, G. E. Tita, P. J. Brantingham, A. L. Bertozzi and L. B. Chayes, A statistical model of criminal behavior, Math. Models. Meth. Appl. Sci., 18 (2008), 1249-1267.doi: 10.1142/S0218202508003029. |
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M. B. Short, A. L. Bertozzi and P. J. Brantingham, Nonlinear patterns in urban crime - hotpsots, bifurcations, and suppression, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys., 9 (2010), 462-483.doi: 10.1137/090759069. |
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M. B. Short, P. J. Brantingham, A. L. Bertozzi and G. E. Tita, Dissipation and displacement of hotpsots in reaction-diffusion models of crime, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 107 (2010), 3961-3965. |
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M. B. Short, P. J. Brantingham and M. R. D'Orsogna, Cooperation and punishment in an adversarial game: How defectors pave the way to a peaceful society, Phys. Rev. E, 82 (2010), 066114.doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.066114. |
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J. R. Zipkin, M. B. Short and A. L. Bertozzi, Cops on the dots in a mathematical model of urban crime and police response, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 34 (2014), 1479-1506. |