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Pullback attractors for a class of nonlinear lattices with delays

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider a class of nonlinear delay lattices $$ \ddot{u}_i(t)+(-1)^p\triangle^pu_i(t)+\lambda u_i(t)+\dot{u}_i(t)=h_i(u_i(t-\rho(t)))+f_i(t),~~~i \in \mathbb{Z}, $$ where $\lambda$ is a real positive constant, $p$ is any positive integer and $\triangle$ is the discrete one-dimensional Laplace operator. Under suitable conditions on $h$ and $f$ we prove the existence of pullback attractors for the multi-valued process associated with the system for which the uniqueness of solutions need not hold.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K05, 34K31, 35B40, 35B41, 35L05.


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