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The spreading fronts in a mutualistic model with advection

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper is concerned with a system of semilinear parabolic equations with two free boundaries, which describe the spreading fronts of the invasive species in a mutualistic ecological model. The advection term is introduced to model the behavior of the invasive species in one dimension space. The local existence and uniqueness of a classical solution are obtained and the asymptotic behavior of the free boundary problem is studied. Our results indicate that for small advection, two free boundaries tend monotonically to finite limits or infinities at the same time, and a spreading-vanishing dichotomy holds, namely, either the expanding environment is limited and the invasive species dies out, or the invasive species spreads to all new environment and establishes itself in a long run. Moreover, some rough estimates of the spreading speed are also given when spreading happens.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35R35; Secondary: 35K60.


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